Where does the time go?

3 months since my last post!

3 hours is how long it took me (or so it seemed) to figure out how to log in to my blog today!

5 hours until my 5 year old or my 4 year old or both decide to wake up!  (Scarlett usually is the last to wake up and even then she would sleep longer if her older siblings would allow it.)

A new post with new photos will have to wait for 1 more day.

Dear Sampy, I miss you. Love, Savannah

Savannah still talks of Sanford (Sampy) somewhat regularly and last night I found her sitting at the table drawing this picture of her favorite cat.  At first Sanford (the drawing) didn’t have ears, whiskers or a mouth.   I asked Savannah were his mouth was and she replied asking me if he really did have a mouth.  I love her.  I reminded her that, yes, Sanford did have a mouth, so she drew one in.  As you can see, she also added whiskers and ears.  I though the first two pointy things were ears, but I was wrong. :)

The artist and her baby sister:

The love of reading.

Without any prompting from her parents, Scarlett went right to the family magazine and then over to the Preschool magazine.  She and her siblings spend many hours reading these magazines.  When they get bored with the magazines they head on over to the mini amusement park that is right next door! ;)

At only 13 months old, she knows exactly where the kids magazines are.

Welcome baby Emmy 03.12.10

Welcome Baby Emmy!

8 pounds, 2 ounces.  Born at 12:09 on 03.12.10

Congratulations Sheri and Adam!

The face of a father facing diaper duty.

Baby Emmy’s big sister, Mia, made her mama this red ring to wear the birth. She made it a couple of months ago and Sheri has been wearing it ever since.  The rock is another gift from the big sister, I love it!

Looks like dad had a rough day!

13 months old

Where has the time gone?  My sweet, silly baby girl is 13 months old.  When Savannah was this age I was just coming home from the hospital with baby #2 (William).  It breaks my heart that my first baby had to grow up as fast as she did.  I certainly didn’t look at her as being a baby at 13 months old.  I thought she was so grown up!  Crazy as that sounds now.  Scarlett is such a baby and I am cherishing every moment of it!

I took these photos this evening while we were playing at our friend Kathya’s house.  Scarlett found this pacifier (or as Savannah calls it, a “fa-fa”) and thought it was great fun to play with.  I thought this was hilarious since she absolutely refused to take a pacifier any time I tried to get her to take one during her first few months.  NOW…she thinks they are fun, LOL.